Sunday 20 March 2011

Script Under Construction

Once this was a producer's diary, and this weekend I am a writer. I believe rounded producer's have to really understand scripts and stories, so might as well learn by doing.

The script under construction (13th redraft, let's hope it's the lucky one!) is the horror House Rules. Going through my notes I came up with some of our old ideas for this film and they made me smile.

How would you respond to the brief "horror film that takes a happy family home and turns it into an automated death trap"?

Here's how we started:

The Tenants - have you read your lease?

Behind the Picket Fence - bless this mess

Bastion Crescent - most deaths occur in the home

Evil Psycho Death House from Hell - welcome, make yourself at home, and die!

Thanks to Andrew for that last one. Priceless.